Annual Basic Safety Review

“To the extent that you develop real excellence in safety, you will also create a high performance culture, which will improve your effectiveness and efficiency in general.” – Dr. Thomas Krause.

15 second rule: If it takes more than 15 seconds to access or utilize safety equipment – gloves or whatever – usage of that equipment is reduced. Where do we have safety equipment that requires more than 15 seconds to access or utilize?

Hierarchy of Controls

  1. Elimination/substitution. At the very top is the best way to deal with a safety hazard, which is to eliminate it altogether by preventing exposure to the hazard before it even occurs. In substitution, you seek to permanently reduce the risk by substitute a less hazardous material or reduction of system energy. These are process design solutions that require a permanent change to how a job is performed.
  2. Engineering controls. Change the structure of the work area to reduce exposure using safety devices or barriers. An example would be to place a high fence around a dangerous location to prevent access.
  3. Administrative & work practice controls. Implement procedures that require workers to do things to reduce their exposure to a risk. A lockout/tagout program is an example of an administrative control. Set expectations that workers will engage in safe work practices. Another example is the use of warning signs, sirens and alarms.
  4. Personal protective equipment (PPE). Make sure employees wear the proper protective clothing, gloves and eyeglasses for the job. Examples are safety goggles, respirators, fall protection and hearing protection.

We have 41 written safety plans. The written plans are available for your perusal in the Safety Cabinet. You are required to know the policies and procedures detailed in the written plans. I am going to provide a very brief overview of the most important plans, but in the future we will have the plans available online and there will be certification exams for the plans.

Many of the 41 plans are short and are, therefore, combined with other plans into a group of 6 major areas and each area has its own notebook in the Safety Cabinet. Those notebooks are entitled as follows:

  • The Accident Prevention Plan encapsulates 31 of the 41 written plans.
  • The Emergency Action Plan contains 4 plans
  • The Hazard Communication Plan which includes GHS stands alone as do the next three plans:
  • The Laboratory Safety Plan
  • The Lockout/Tagout Plan
  • The Respiratory Protection Plan

Basic Safety Rules

  • Never do anything that is unsafe in order to get the job done. If a job is unsafe report it to your supervisor or safety committee representative. We will find a safer way to do the job.
  • Do not remove or disable any safety device! Keep guards in place at all times when operating machinery.
  • Never operate a piece of equipment unless you have been trained and are authorized.
  • Obey all safety warning signs.
  • Working under the influence of alcohol, marijuana or illegal drugs or using them at work is prohibited.
  • Notify your supervisor if a drug that has been prescribed for you by your doctor may impair performance or judgement.
  • Do not bring firearms or explosives onto company property.
  • Smoking is only permitted in designated smoking areas or outside the building.
  • Horseplay, running and fighting are prohibited.
  • Clean up spills immediately. Replace all tools and supplies after use. Do not allow scraps to accumulate where they will become a hazard. Good housekeeping helps prevent accidents.

ICD Accident Prevention Plan

The Accident Protection Plan includes, among others, the First Aid Program which includes provisions for First Responders, the Bloodborne Pathogens Safety Program, the Fire Prevention Plan, the Flammable and Combustible Liquids Safety Plan, the Housekeeping Plan, the Ladder Safety Plan, the Personal Protective Equipment Plan, and the Return to Work Program.

To summarize:

  • Stay away from blood unless you are a First Responder. First Responders should be aware of the hazards and safeguards associated with bloodborne pathogens. If you come into contact with someone else’s blood, notify the safety coordinator or a First Responder immediately.
  • Confined spaces: we have a lot of tanks that are confined spaces, meaning that if you are inside them you are at risk. Do not enter confined spaces under any circumstances.
  • Large quantities (greater than 5 gallons) of flammable liquids are stored in the H2 storage room.
  • All flammable and combustible liquids are stored in approved closed containers which are properly labelled.
  • All areas are to be kept clean and as dry as possible. Use the hazard warning signs when the floor must be wet for extended periods of time.
  • Ladders are inspected prior to use and are setup properly in accordance with the safety requirements.
  • Portable ladders are set at the proper angle when the horizontal distance from the top support to the foot of the ladder approximately one-quarter the working length of the ladder as is shown left.
  • You must have both hands free to hold on to the ladder.
  • You must face the ladder when climbing or descending.
  • Get help if you need to lift a load that is too heavy or awkward to lift alone.
  • When lifting, keep the load close to the body. Walk as close as possible to the load. Pull the load towards you before lifting if necessary.
  • Fire extinguishers are available throughout the plant. Use fire extinguishers if and only if you have an exit route, the fire is small enough to be put out with a fire extinguisher, the fire is not generating toxic fumes, you feel comfortable with handling the fire extinguisher, and other people are aware of the fire. If any of these are in doubt, get out.
  • If there is a tag and/or locking device on a piece of equipment, leave it alone. Only the person who placed the tag or locking device is allowed to remove the tag or locking device. Only personnel who are Lockout/Tagout Certified may place tags or locking devices.
  • Always use appropriate PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) for every chemical you may come into contact with. If you are not sure what the appropriate PPE should be, consult the SDS for the material.